
Hi, everyone! We are the students from UNITAR International University. In this semester, we took the subject of E-Commerce (BADB 2033), and our tutor was assigned us to complete the assignment 3 which is create a travelling blog that showing our detailed plan to go a vacation after this June semester and each of the group members has only RM 1,200 for our vacation. In addition, we must take a flight to our destination and the vacation period is between 17 September to 23 September. We must also spend at least 3 days 2 nights.

Our group have 5 members which is Yong Chong Zheak (JB160100539), Lua Jin Tang (JB160100540), Yogeswary a/p veerapandian (JB1409DD7972), Niqa afina binti hishamuddin (JB170103596), and Siti Nur Faizah Binti Mohammad Nor Faizal Ng (JB160100532). Next, the place that we choose and decide to go for our vacation is Jogjakarta, which is the city of Indonesia. We will going to Jogjakarta on the date of 18/9/2017 (Monday) to 20/9/2017 (Wednesday), which is in the period of 3 days and 2 nights.

Jogjakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java. Located at the foot of the active Merapi volcano, Jogjakarta was in the 16th and 17th centuries the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram., from which present day Jogjakarta has inherited the best of traditions. The city itself has a special charm which seldom fails to captivate the visitor. This province is one of the most densely populated areas of Indonesia. The city came into being in 1755, after the division of Mataram into the Sultanates of Jogjakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, the wayang kulit leather puppet theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in the arts of batiks, silver and leather work.

The Sultan's palace is the hub of Jogjakarta's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity, it still emanates the spirit of refinement which has been the hallmark of Jogjakarta's art for centuries. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Jogjakarta's culture oriented society. ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts is the center of arts and Jogjakarta itself has given its name to an important school of modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by the famed Indonesian impressionist, the late Affandi. Jogjakarta is often called the main gateway to the center of Java where it is geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to Jogjakarta from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by road.

Jogjakarta is a city found in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is located -7.78 latitude and 110.36 longitude and it is situated at elevation 125 meters above sea level. Jogjakarta has a population of 636,660 making it the biggest city in Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta. It operates on the BMT time zone. After that, the official language at Jogjakarta is Indonesian. Then, the Major Attractions at Jogjakarta are such as Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Yogyakarta Fortress Museum, Yogya Kembali, Mandala Air and Space Museum Center etc.

Top 10 Tourist Attractions In Jogjakarta Must Visit

Jogjakarta, which is located in middle of Java Island. Indonesia is a fascinating city, a unique combination of ancient temples, history, traditions, culture, and the natural phenomenon make Jogjakarta worth a visit. The number of tourist spot in Jogjakarta has attract tourists, both foreign tourists and domestic tourists. Diversity of religious ceremonies, and culture of various religions and supported by artistic creativity and hospitality of the people, make Jogjakarta an unforgettable experience. The distance between the location of attractions is easy to be reached very favorable for the tourists who want to vacation, and everything is cheap inJogjakarta. Here are top tourist attractions in Jogjakarta:

1. Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. Thousands of foreign tourists are willing to travel thousands of miles just to see the masterpiece that became one of the seven wonders of the world. Borobudur temple is mesmerizing anyone who sees it. This magnificent Buddhist temple containing an array of six square terraces over which the three circular courtyard. The walls are decorated with 2672 relief panels and 502 Buddha statues. The main and biggest stupa located in the middle and surrounded by 72 perforated stupas in which there are statues of Buddha. It is said that visitors who could hold the statues in the stupa, will get a fortune. Borobudur was built in the 8th century and 9th. So, this historic building has been there 300 years before Cambodia's Angkor Wat and 400 years before the cathedrals building in Europe. Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2. Malioboro

Malioboro is a must visit while in Yogyakarta. Malioboro is the central gathering of artists from various universities, young men and women, a gathering place for accessories and various knick knacks, a gathering place for tourists, and a gathering place for sellers and buyers. Malioboro place was never empty of visitors from morning till night. In malioboro you can buy desirable range of merchandise ranging from beautiful accessories, unique souvenirs, classic batik, gold and gems to household appliances. For souvenir fans, Malioboro can be a fun hunting paradise. Walking on the shoulder of the road while bargaining a variety of goods sold by street vendors, will be a special experience. Variety of locally made souvenirs like batik, rattan ornament, silver, bamboo handicrafts, leather puppets, blangkon, miniature of traditional vehicles, accessories, until key chains, all can be found easily. If you are good in bargaining, these items can be taken home with a fairly cheap price. Or for culinary lovers, Malioboro also a right place to taste the local cuisine of Yogyakarta.

3. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple is a beautiful Hindu temple in the world. Prambanan temple is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Prambanan temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed in the tenth century during the reigns of two kings namely Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Soaring up to 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of the founder to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, among an area that now functions as beautiful park. Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva temples. Those three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. The beauty of Prambanan temple in the afternoon will offer a view of the sunset in the main temple. Amazing! You will feel the peace of Prambanan, when looked at the sunset here. And sacred silence that comes out will keep you enthralled and amazed. Do not forget to capture the moment.

4. Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis are beautiful beaches, rolling waves and strong winds hitting the body. Parangtritis Beach is very closely related to the legend of Ratu Kidul (Queen of South). Many Javanese people believe that Parangtritis Beach is the gate of Ratu Kidul’s magical kingdom who controls the southern sea. The most popular beach in Yogyakarta provides a complete range of facilities such as lodging, mosque, public toilets, dining, beach monitoring team. Travelers also could try sport who spur the adrenalin such as rock climbing, paragliding and hang gliding at this beach.

5. Kaliurang

Located 28 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta city, Kaliurang now has an enchanting cultural and natural tourism area that becomes en enjoyable place for family recreation. The view of Merapi Mountain gives special sensation in this area. This mountain will also be covered with fog when we come to see it. Going along the west side of Plawangan Hill as long as 1,100 meters, traveling cross country, through soil path framed with trees and green slopes, and series of 22 caves as the inheritance of the Japanese colonial are some uniqueness of Kaliurang natural tourism. In addition to its natural beauty, Kaliurang also has some historical buildings.

6. Keraton Yogyakarta (Palace of Yogyakarta)

Keraton Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or now better known by the name of Yogyakarta Palace is the center of Javanese culture living museum that is in the Special Region Yogykarta. Not just becomes the place to live for the king and his family, the palace is also a main direction of cultural development of Java, as well as the flame guard of the culture. At this place tourists can learn and see directly on how the Javanese culture continues to live and be preserved. There are many things that can be seen at Yogyakarta Palace, ranging from the activity of servants in the palace who are doing the job or to see properties collection of the palace. Collections are kept in glass boxes that are spread various rooms ranging from ceramics and glassware, weapons, photographs, miniatures and replicas, to various kinds of batik and its deorama of the making process.

7. Taman Sari

Taman Sari also known as Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is situated about 2 km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Built in mid 18th century, the Taman Sari had multiple functions, such as a resting area, a workshop, a meditation area, a defense area, and a hiding place. Taman Sari consisted of four distinct areas: a large artificial lake with islands and pavilions located in the west, a bathing complex in the centre, a complex of pavilions and pools in the south, and a smaller lake in the east. Today only the central bathing complex is well preserved

8. Beringharjo Market

The place is a favorite when looking for souvenir in Yogyakarta. Beringharjo famous for paradise of unique and cheap souvenirs. Such as a variety of batik, wood carvings, bags and shoes, all is here. If you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place because of its complete collections; ranging from batik cloth to batik clothes made of cotton and silk materials, with the prices ranging from tens thousands to a million. Collection of batik cloth is available in west and north parts of the market, while batik clothes collection is available almost everywhere in the west part of this market.

9. Kampung Wijilan (Wijilan Village)

Wijilan is the most famous areas as Gudeg center. Wijilan is located not far from Keraton Yogyakarta (the Palace of Yogyakarta) and can be reached by becak (pedicab) or 10 minutes walking. There are more than 17 gudeg restaurants in Wijilan. Gudeg is traditional cuisine of Yogyakarta. Gudeg becomes a main menu for those who visit Java Island. Gori (young jackfruit) is cooked together with coconut milk and many spices for hours. Gudeg is usually served with egg, chicken, tofu, tempeh and coconut milk dressing that give special sensation when you eat it.

10. Gembira Loka Zoo

The largest zoo in Java island, with a variety of flora and fauna that you can learn about the life and habitat. Containing a variety of species from around the world, such as the orangutan, Asian elephant, chimpanzees, tigers, and others. Gembira Loka Zoo is the main attraction for tourists in Yogyakarta. Gembira Loka Zoo was badly damaged by the earthquake that rocked the city of Yogyakarta in 2004. However, after the renovation Gembira Loka Zoo remains a favorite among travelers.

3 Day 2 Night in Yogyakarta

We had a lot of help with itinerary, accommodation and car rental ideas here in TripAdvisor so we are sharing to you about our trip experience. We hope someone out there finds this useful as we found all the other posts here.
My friends and I traveled to Jogjakarta last July 29-31, coming from a 9-hour layover in Kuala Lumpur from Manila. Here's the breakdown of activities:

Day 1:

Adisucipto International Airport
We arrived at Adisucipto International Airport at around 11:30am. It is quite a small airport and they didn't have a working baggage carousel. We’d have to push our way to get our things. We didn't have a car rented for the first day so we used public transportation to go to our hostel. My friends and I wanted to try the bus (TransJogja) but we were too tired to do so. Instead, we took a taxi to our hostel. Airport taxi is quite expensive and they do not use meter. They use coupon and there is a counter for taxi at the airport. The taxi counter from the Arrivals gate is around IDR20,000 (RM 6.43) more expensive than the one where we hailed our taxi from (near the TransJogja station and near the airport's parking lot). From there to our hostel at the Prawirotaman area, it cost us IDR110,000 (RM35.38). . This price is set. We just have to show the counter where we want drop off to.

Our hostel is Venezia Garden in Jalan Surami, a small street off the bigger Jalan Parangtritis and just a couple of blocks after Prawirotaman I & II (famous backpacker's area in the city). It is quite far from the city center where we'll see most of the city attractions as well as the busy Malioboro.

After settling down, we took a taxi to Malioboro IDR20,000 (RM 6.43) . We went around looking for food stalls to eat from. We were wary to try the food stalls along the street so we opted to eat in Malioboro Mall instead. There's a nice restaurant at the basement, near the grocery. A little pricey but many locals ate there. We went around Malioboro to look for money changer as well but the recommended one was closed at that time (Mulia money changer near the Garuda hotel along Malioboro). We ended up changing our money at another backpacker's area - Sosrowijayan. Rate was better than the airport's but not the best we had.
Day 2:
We had a car rented from the hostel. Our hostel manager served as our driver/tour guide, too - Isnanda. The car rental, which included the driver and parking tickets to everywhere we went to, was IDR800,000 (RM 257.29). We told the manager about the places we wanted to see and he arranged the timing and the amount of time spent per place. We found cheaper ones on the internet but we preferred the one connected with our hostel. Here's our itinerary then:
4:50am - depart from hostel to Borobudur

5:45am - arrived at Borobudur and waited for gates to open at 6am (foreign visitors can get their tickets on the left side building, upon entering the gates. Tickets cost IDR220,000 (RM 70.75) with free coffee or tea or bottled water.) Visiting Borobudur at this hour is the best time to do so because you pay the normal rate but still with a view of the sunrise. It's magical up there during sunrise!


9:00am - depart from Borobudur and went to Candi Mendut, a few minutes ride from Borobudur. It is a small temple that can be seen from the road. Entrance is IDR3,500 (RM 1.13).

Ullen Sentalu

8:30am - We departed from Mendut and went to Kaliurang to visit Ullen Sentalu. Kaliurang is a village in the slopes of Mount Merapi. It is about an hour ride away from Borobudur and has an entrance fee of IDR3,500 (RM 1.13). Some travelers go there for the 4x4 ride to Mount Merapi. We went there to visit the Ullen Sentalu museum, where we'll be able to learn about the Javanese culture - the royal family, the history of Jogjakarta as well as the batik culture.  The museum has really nice architecture, with cool weather compared to the city, and an English-speaking guide that is included in the IDR50,000 (RM 16.08) entrance fee. Picture taking is NOT allowed inside, though.

11:00am - went to Kotagede where we had our lunch at Sekar Kedhaton Restaurant. Food was awesome but more expensive than the other restaurants in Jogjakarta. It has great ambiance and staff was good. A good experience, overall. We also stopped by their silver shop.

Ganjuran Church
12:30nn - visited the Ganjuran Church, a Catholic church in Jogja that has a very Indonesian design. If we didn't know it was a church, we'd mistake it for a temple. Very interesting church. It's nice how they incorporated the Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist designs in the church.

Parangtritis beach
2:30pm - arrived at Parangtritis beach. There's not much to do here because we can't swim in the beach. Indian Ocean at this part of Java has really strong current and the water can be unpredictable. It's too dangerous, in fact, that there are men carrying megaphones and shouting "water! water!" when a big wave is about to come. It is very chill and relaxing, too.
3:30pm - our driver took us to the takeoff point for paragliding. It takes about 5 minutes of trek uphill to get to the takeoff point. It can be tiring but once we get to see the view from above, we'll know that it's worth it. Beautiful view! We can see the whole stretch of the Parangtritis beach. Our driver told us it is popular among the locals, especially the couples. And true enough, there were 3 couples up there with us.
4:30pm - we were on our way back to Jogjakarta. Arrived back at the hostel at around 5:30pm.

Grand Aston hotel
By 6:00pm, we were out of the hostel again to have dinner at the Grand Aston hotel. After dinner, we had our money changed at the street parallel to Malioboro They had the best rates. I forgot what the name of the money changer is, though.
Day 3:
We again rented the same car with the same driver. Cost us IDR450,000 (RM 144.73) .

Keraton (Royal Palace)
9:00am - tour of the Keraton (Royal Palace). Entrance fee was at IDR15,000 ( RM 4.82) plus IDR1,000 (RM 0.32) camera fee. Tour guide was included but they will expect a tip at the end of the tour. The royal palace was not really interesting, visually, but our tour guide knew a lot about history and he explained the palace in details which keep me interested throughout. He also brought us to a batik shop. They will insist that you buy. We just have to say No if you're not really interested. Batik is not really cheap, especially the good ones.

Taman Sari (Water Castle)
10:30am - tour of Taman Sari (Water Castle). Entrance is IDR7,000 ( RM2.25) and, like at the Keraton, there is a tour guide who will expect a tip at the end. This one's a more interesting place to visit than the Keraton.

 Gudeg Yu Djum along Jalan Wilijan
12:00nn - We ate lunch at the popular Gudeg Yu Djum along Jalan Wilijan (also inside the walled city where the Keraton and Taman Sari is located). When in Jogja, try gudeg - a popular local dish of jack fruit, egg and chicken cooked in a sweet concoction of palm sugar and spices.

Prambanan Complex
1pm - arrived at the Prambanan Complex. It was too hot and the sun was directly above us so we just went around Prambanan temple and skipped Candi Sewu and Rato Boku located at the same complex.

2:30pm - We were out of Prambanan and on our way to the airport.
If you have any questions about my itinerary, etc. feel free to comment below. I'd be very much willing to help you guys :)
